I am Luis disabled veteran that after years of battling with different types of therapy and medications to deal with my trauma, I found interest in Graphic Design. While commercial fishing during down time or bad weather I would spend time on my computer along with my service dog Guapo creating fish art.
Eventually a buddy advised me that I should sell some of my designs. I tried events and put some T-Shirts in some local shops but my skills and business knowledge were not up to date.
I decided to visit the VA and utilize my  educational benefits and attend Marchman Technical College. Completing the Commercial Arts program in Feb 2019 and shortly after that with assistance from the Veteran's of Florida and Operation Start Up, Hillsborough Community College and Syracuse University, I attended STRIVE ( Startup Training Resources to Inspire Veteran Entrepreneurship ). Now with graphic design skills , some foundation of business knowledge off to a great start. 
Currently I'm self employed as a Freelance Graphic Designer and with the freedom to address all the needs for the mental health and well being.
Graduation Day
Graduation Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Taking a Break
Taking a Break
Camping away from civilization
Camping away from civilization
Just us two
Just us two
Watching the waves.
Watching the waves.
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